Terms and conditions

  • I understand that by filling out this form, I am authorizing City National Bank of Florida to use my personal information (name, telephone number, and email address) to contact me and provide more information regarding marketing communications, products, and services. I understand that I can opt out at any time.

    I/We, (individually and collectively referred to as “Releasor”) jointly and severally, hereby irrevocably consent to and authorize CITY NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA, its parent and affiliate companies, successors and assigns (hereinafter collectively or individually “CNB”) to use, and reuse my voice, actions, likeness, name, and/or appearance, in any CNB related audio, video, or photograph recording (the “Media Content”). Releasor agrees that CNB exclusively owns all right, title, license, and interest (including without limitation, all copyright, ownership, proprietary or publicity rights or any other claim of interest, or ownership) in the Media Content, whether edited, altered, or modified regardless of whether or not Releasor is recognizable. Releasor further agrees that the Media Content may be used in the context of CNB’s business, including but not limited to for the purpose of training, marketing, promotion, advertisement, social media, to generate goodwill or publicity in news media, radio, television, trade publications, magazines, websites, and/or any other form of media. Releasor further certifies that he or she is eighteen (18) years old or more, is under no restrictions and has the capacity to execute this Media Content Release Form. Releasor hereby waives any right that he or she may have to inspect or approve the images, tapes and other materials that may be used in connection with the Media Content, or the use to which any of the same may be applied. Releasor hereby releases and discharges CNB from any liability arising out of the use or publication of the Media Content. Releasor agrees this Media Content Release Form applies to present and future Media Content created by CNB. With advance notice to CNB, Releasor can request to be excluded from Media Content in the future and CNB will honor that request. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Releasor, in consideration for having been permitted to participate and perform in the Media Content, has executed this Media Content Release Form as of the date set forth.